The Charlee hotel invites you to enjoy the world’s best coffee in medellín

5 August, 2024
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Colombia is known worldwide as the country that produces the world’s highest quality coffee.

That’s why Medellín, one of the closest capitals to the main production areas, becomes a privileged place for the ardent fans of this coveted beverage.

The Charlee Hotel invites tourists from all over the world to enjoy all the goodness that Medellín has, and in an even more special way of the wide offer of the world’s best coffee that is produced in this land. The hotel itself counts with the resources and areas to enjoy a good coffee as well as the whole city.

In Medellín you can find recognized and international brands such as Starbucks, MacDonald’s and Juan Valdez, as well as the most traditional and award-winning local coffee shops. One of them, located close to The Charlee Hotel, was recognized in the year 2012, according to the Sprudgie Awards, as the world’s best new coffee shop.

The Colombian tradition to produce and consume high quality coffee has turned Medellín into one of the main cities for coffee tourism. That is because of the facility that the stores that commercialize this product have to access close production areas.

The high quality of Colombian coffee is produced as a result of a mixture of factors that favor its cultivation and production, among these factors are the latitude and altitude of the ground, as well as its weather, its lands, the topography, the luminosity, the temperature and the cultural processes of selective harvesting of grain. The combination of these factors results in a coffee that is soft, balanced, and of excellent quality.

Welcome to The Charlee Hotel, welcome to the capital of the best coffee that is produced in the world. One more reason to visit us, another reason to get to know and enjoy Medellín.

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